Introducing Unlimited Designs & Revisions
2 min readMar 21, 2022
Photo by John Jennings on Unsplash

Design is important. Apple, the most valuable company in the world, differentiated itself with good design.

Most startups and businesses today are focused on one thing: reaching product market fit or growing their business.

If you’re a startup, the most important thing is making something people want. Any angel funding or venture capital you’ve raised is precious and needs to be maximized towards achieving this goal.

As a business that has reached product market fit, your goals now are to: 1) not lose it and 2) grow the business. Your job now is directing your profits and resources towards maximizing revenue per head and increasing your leverage.

These are two very important problems faced by millions of entrepeneurs everyday. The solution to these problems? Almost always is to leverage good design.

Now what do we mean by “good design”. Good design while giving a brand or product a distinct personality does wonders to differentiate in the marketplace. Because as we all now, competition kills businesses.

McKinsey found businesses that were design centric to outperform their competitors two to one when they analyzed revenues and total returns to shareholders.

Which means that a business generating $50K in revenue per year WITHOUT good design was LOSING $50K in potential value captured. Makes sense right?

Well, not quite. The cost to hire a SINGLE designer in the US (according to Glassdoor) is about $55K per year. This is beyond the reach of most startups and businesses. How can we fix that?

Make design affordable and unlimited

We’re going to make great design affordable and unlimited. Unlimited designs and revisions. One flat-monthly rate. Cancel anytime. In fact, our team has over 10+ years of industry experience having spent time as independent freelancers and at Pentagram. We realize how disruptive this model is.

So, why did we do it? Because we wanted to democratize design and bring it into as many hands around the world as possible while also making it affordable and flexible. This way we can allow more to leverage good design in their businesses without breaking the bank.

We’re super excited to share the launch of and begin paving the way for a new type of design agency. And we’re excited for you to join us on this mission 🚀



We make great design affordable and flexible by offering unlimited designs and revisions at a flat-monthly rate.